Nagarjuna Degree College



  1. Dr. Harish Babu S,Assessment of e-Marketing Strategies in Shaping the Business Performance of Indian Commercial Banks” at “YMER International Journal”, ISSN: 0044-0477, Page No. 573–588, Volume-20, Issue -11, November 2021. Scopus Indexed.
  2. Dr. Harish Babu S,Post Pandemic Management: Challenges & Opportunities for Recovery, Resilience and Adaptation” at Journal of Tianjin University Science and Technology”, ISSN (Online): 0493-2137, Page No. 575–590, Volume-54, Issue -7, July 2021. Scopus Indexed.
  3. Dr. Harish Babu S, Titled “A study on types of Psychometric tools used by HR consulting firms and the effectiveness of it in the process of sourcing a right candidate.” at GIS SCIENCE JOURNAL”, ISSN: 1869-9391, Page No. 1526-1533, Volume-8, Issue-3, March 2021. UGC Care approved Group-II Journal, Scopus Indexed.
  4. Harish Babu S,Empirical analysis of Currency Exchange rate on Foreign Direct Investment” at Journal of Interdisciplinary cycle research, ISSN: 0022-1945, Volume-XIII, Issue 1, January 2021. UGC Care approved Group-II Journal.
  5. Dr. Harish Babu S,Impact of the Economic and Personal Empowerment on Achieving Managerial Sucess for SHG Women: A Case Studyat Journal of Critical Reviews”, ISSN: 7198-7202, Page No. 7198–7202, Volume-7, Issue -19, August 2020. Scopus Indexed.
  6. Dr. Harish Babu S, Titled “Microfinance and Factors Contributing For Economic Empowerment of SHG Women: A Case” at Palarch’s Journal of Archaeology of Egypt/Egyptology”, ISSN: 1567-214X, Page No. 8357-8368, Volume-17, Issue-9, 2020. Scopus Indexed.
  7. Harish Babu S,Impact of Visual Merchandising on Impulse Buying Behavior of Apparel Consumers: A Case Study of Bangalore” at “Test Engineering and Management Journal”, ISSN: 0193-4120 Page No. 22933–22959, Volume-83, Issue May-June 2020. Scopus Indexed.
  8. Dr. Harish Babu S,  “Private Cloud Computing Using Aneka Cloud Platform” at Pramana Research Journal”, ISSN: 2349-5162, Page No. 88-100, Volume-10, Issue-6, June 2020. UGC approved Journal.
  9. Dr. Harish Babu S,  “Migration to Cloud computing – Changing Paradigm in Indian IT Sector” at “International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research”, ISSN: 2277-8616, Volume-9, Issue-4, April 2020. Scopus Indexed.
  10. Dr. Harish Babu S,Role of Enterprise Size on the Adoption of Cloud Computing and Knowledge Management Practices” at “Test Engineering and Management Journal”, ISSN: 0193-4120 Page No. 23473–23480, Volume-83, Issue March-April 2020. Scopus Indexed.
  11. Dr. Harish Babu S, “Knowledge Management System in a Cloud Computing Environment” at “Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research”, ISSN: 2349-5162, Volume-6, Issue-1, January 2019.UGC approved Journal.
  12. Dr. Harish Babu S, “Intensification Of SHG Member’s Through Regional Rural Bank – A Case Study Of Hassan District, Karnataka.” at “EPRA International Journal of Research and Development (IJRD)”, ISSN: 2455-7838(Online), Volume-3, Issue-12, December 2018.
  13. Dr. Harish Babu S, “E-Marketing and Its Impact on Society and culture in India – A study conducted from strategic perspective” at “International Journal of Advanced and Innovative Research”, ISSN: 2394-7780, Volume-5, Issue-4(V), October 2018.
  14. Dr. Harish Babu S, “Service Quality Gap and its Impact on the Performance of Indian Health Insurance Companies” at “Global Journal of Management and Business Research”, Online ISSN: 2249-4588 & Print ISSN: 0975-5853, Volume-18, Issue-5, June 2018.
  15. Dr. Harish Babu S, “Big Data Analytics _ It’s Impact on Changing Trends in Retail Industry” at “International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering and Technology”, ISSN: 2278-1323, Volume-7, Issue-4, April 2018.
  16. Dr. Harish Babu S, “Big data technologies for E-business- Future opportunities, challenges ahead and growing trends” at “International Journal of Advanced research in Computer Science”, ISSN 0976-5697, Volume-9, Number-2- March 2018. UGC approved Journal.